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Important Issues for Illinois 10th District
Cutting Taxes for Families and Businesses

Illinois’ increasingly high taxes are driving our friends and neighbors out of our state. They are moving to states with lower taxes, less government interference, and more opportunity. It’s time to help bring those principles back to Illinois. 


At the federal level, I will work to restore the SALT deduction, tuition deductions, and other provisions designed to help people reduce their tax burden.


At the state and local level, I will be a strong voice with my state leaders for reigning in property taxes that are crushing homeowners and businesses and fight against any plans to raise Illinois’ income taxes.


America has always been the destination of choice for those willing to give up their country and start anew.  I am proud of our country’s rich ethnic diversity.  In fact, my wife’s family came to America from China for the freedom and opportunities our nation provides for those willing and able to work for it. 


There are over 4 million people who have filled out the proper documentation, paid their fees, and have patiently waited to be granted access to America.  Meanwhile, there are a large number of illegal immigrants in the country to whom we have turned a blind eye for many years.


I strongly believe that Congress should tackle this issue through legislation focused on securing our borders, modernizing our visa system, and finding a permanent solution for undocumented families.

Creating Jobs and Growing the Economy

Creating a booming economy with good paying jobs requires that we create an environment where businesses can grow and thrive. 


All major employers started as small businesses with a dream and a plan.


In Congress I will work to scale back overly burdensome regulations and actively promote policies to help small businesses, the lifeblood of our economy.

Quality and Affordable Healthcare

We have two critical problems in healthcare today.  Our insurance marketplaces are collapsing, and out of pocket medical expenses are skyrocketing.  We need to reform our health insurance system.  Millions have already lost their insurance, cannot see their own doctors, and are paying more while getting less.  


Health care costs for individuals, businesses, and the government are spiraling out of control and must be brought in line through equitable tax treatment and the introduction of competition in all levels of the healthcare marketplace.


That can be done by allowing small businesses and individuals to join together to negotiate for cheaper health care premiums and allowing insurance companies to cross state lines to give individuals more options and provide more competition. 


At the same time we need to address the soaring out of pocket costs, particularly for seniors on Medicare.  We need to find ways to truly bring down the cost of prescription drugs and medical procedures.  Tort reform, more competition, and changing the drug patent system to more equitably share drug research costs are ways to help deliver quality affordable care for everyone. 


I am committed to true health care reform that lowers costs and increases access to quality health care.

Education Reform

The need to have a well-educated workforce goes hand in hand with growing a strong economy with good paying jobs. 


To ensure Americans have access to high quality education Congress must address the ever-rising cost of college tuition. Students today are graduating with an average student loan debt of $37,000 and increases in tuition and fees have shown little sign of slowing down.


I support encouraging businesses to offer student loan debt payment as a benefit and am open to other creative options to address this problem.

Securing our Homeland

Illinois’ 10th District has long had a strong commitment on foreign policy and national security.  I will continue that tradition and promote strong American leadership in the global community and make the support of our allies, such as Israel, a top priority.

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